what i can do module 6 CYBERWELLNESS

                                             CYBERWELLNESS: positive well-being of Internet users

Cyber Wellness (CW) refers to the positive well-being of Internet users. It involves an understanding of online behavior and awareness of how to protect oneself in cyberspace. The focus of CW is about helping students to become responsible digital learners .The term "cyber wellness" relates to internet users' overall happiness. It entails knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes about how to protect oneself and other internet users in the cyber world, as well as knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes about how to protect oneself and other internet users in the cyber world.

be a positive role model online (e.g. share healthy and positive content, harness the affordances of technology to do good for society) advocate positive online behavior (e.g. stand up for their peers online, report cases of cyber bullying to a trusted adult/authority, post encouraging remarks on social media)


  1. Keep Personal Information Professional and Limited.
  2. Keep Your Privacy Settings On.
  3. Practice Safe Browsing.
  4. Make Sure Your Internet Connection is Secure.
  5. Be Careful What You Download.
  6. Choose Strong Passwords. 
  7. Make Online Purchases From Secure Sites.
  8. Be Careful What You Post


    Today, the internet has become unavoidable in our daily life. Appropriate use of the internet makes our life easy, fast and simple. The internet helps us with facts and figures, information and knowledge for personal, social and economic development.

The Internet is now more than just an information source or research tool. It provides a great deal of opportunities for us to work, transact, communicate, learn and play. Opportunities range from undertaking and completing online courses to gain new skills, reading news, researching, planning holidays, doing online shopping, playing games, sharing files or chatting with friends. The Internet has played an important part in our daily lives.

The Internet operates and functions largely on a collaborative basis. Its smooth operation relies heavily on the proper conduct of users. Below we list a set of good practices that make the Internet a better place for all users:

Be a Law-abiding Internet User
In the world of Internet, users should be aware that their online activities may be liable for criminal or civil offences in the real world. In general, any forms of communication, including both verbal and written, and any other acts, are governed by the law. It is applicable to the Internet too.

Although it is impossible to list all the possible online criminal actions, the followings are fundamental principles of proper behavior for Internet users:

Do not perform any activity which is illegal, fraudulent or prohibited under any legislation, such as:
Un authorised access to computers;
Access to computers with criminal dishonest intent;
Criminal damage, such as web page defacement or spreading of ;
Obtaining property or services by deception;
Online theft;
Online vandalism.
Do not publish, post, distribute, or disseminate any defamatory, infringing, obscene, unlawful materials such as:
Child pornography;
Obscene and indecent content;
Pirated software;
Harassment, i.e. the persistent annoyance to another person or the interference in another person's work. This includes, the sending of unsolicited electronic messages.
Do not transmit, distribute, upload or download material, information, or software in violation of any applicable legislation. This includes, but not limited to, material protected by privacy and copyright laws. The following are examples:
Sharing of copyrighted material without consents of copyright owner;
Collect, distribute, transfer personal information without consents of the subject.
Be a Responsible Internet User
Keep the Internet runs smooth requires contribution and co-operation from everyone in the community. As a responsible Internet user, the following are some proper behaviour to be a good Internet citizen:
Protect your system and data with adequate security measures;
Good practices in  management, use of software, handling of emails, downloading files, and web surfing will help protect your computer from attack;
Do treat all other Internet users with respect and do not threaten, harass, stalk, or abuse other users;
Do not perform any activities which may interfere with other users or restrict or hinder any person from accessing, using or enjoying the Internet;
Do not access, monitor or use any data, systems or networks, including another person's private information, without authority or permission;
Do not attempt to conduct any network/ or hacking activities on other computers;
Do not send or distribute any malwares or other harmful programs;
Do not capture, store, send or disseminate any content or material which is likely to exceed the bounds of generally accepted standards of good taste and ethics;
Do not capture, store, send or disseminate any content or material which is likely to be offensive or obscene to a reasonable person;
Do not access or transmit information or material via the Internet, including email, in an attempt to impersonate another individual;
Do not submit, publish any information which violates or infringes on the rights of any other person, including the right of privacy;
Do not aid, abet, encourage or incite any person to do or attempt to do any of the above acts.

If you can bear in mind a simple golden rule "Do unto others as you'd have others do unto you" when you are online. It will certainly make the Internet a more pleasant place to be, both for you and for everyone.
